Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blog 6

I scored highest on Intrapersonal learner
second highest on Interpersonal, Body/kinetic, and Musical/rhythmic learner
and third highest on Logic/math, and verbal/linguistic

The best way for me to improve on my study skills would be to work by myself in a quiet, secluded area. I also need to allow time for my self to reflect and meditate on what I learned as well as studying in short time blocks, allowing myself to stop and absorb what I just learned. I need to work at my own pace and not worry about finishing first. (Intrapersonal)

Other ways for me to improve my learning would be to try working in groups ans sharing info with other people, maybe even try teaching the material. Interview outside sources and debate with others in the group about information during online chats and discussions. (Interpersonal)

More ways for me to improve would be to establish a study group. create stories and skits based on the information I had learned, and read as much info related to the areas as possible. Outline the chapters in my own words and recite my notes aloud. (verbal)

Overall, finding what works for me best within these 3 groups would benefit me greatly ane help me focus my study time and also save time.

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